Will McNelis Will McNelis

Does Momentum Matter? Ask the Dinosaurs.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of several large agile transformations, and one of the key themes in each of them is the concept of building momentum in the transformation. This can be an incredibly valuable thing in that it allows the efforts of a transformation team to be focussed where they can provide the most value while parts of the organisation that are already on the journey will continue to transform. Often, though, how exactly momentum can be built , what it really means, or how to know if you have it or not is not discussed. The purpose of this post is to show you my journey with momentum in agile transformations to date as well as where I want to take this next.

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Will McNelis Will McNelis

Who is agile? with Yves Hanoulle

A chat with Yves Hanoulle about the state of remote work, running a seafood distribution business, and renovating an old house the agile way.

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